The Curious Case of Deb and Nom…

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Hey everyone! So we wanted to make you aware of a very odd misprint in the soon-to-be-released 3rd Edition of TMB. Everybody’s favorite Troll Chieftain, Nom, has a new name on his…or her…you’ll see in a second…Tyrant Chip: Deb. The tale of how this came to pass is a sordid and confusing one to tell. In short – Nom’s original name was going to be Deb, and the “Om Nom” Tyrant Die Skill was going to be “Debbie Snack” (a la Little Debbie snack cakes). A very, very, very early version of our chip files was sent to China (this was over two years ago, prior to the first print of the game), showing how the Tyrant Chip faces should align with their respective back stickers. This was in no way a file to be printed, it simply served as a guide for how chip stickers line up. This file, sent over two years ago, is the only file ever sent to our manufacturer with “Deb” on it. Shortly thereafter, “Deb” became “Nom” – and a humorous footnote in the annals of TMB development. That is…until two days ago. After selling a handful of 3rd Print copies at UKGE, we were alerted to the fact that “Deb” had emerged from the shadows, and was printed on Nom’s Tyrant Chip. To be totally honest with you, we’re still not sure how this happened. We never, at any point, submitted a “for print” file with the name Deb on it. The best we can figure is someone at our manufacturing partner in China saw our for print Nom file, then compared it to the very early sticker instruction file, panicked because they were different, and literally made a rogue decision to “correct” the “for print” file to “Deb” instead. 34755311_10101964081532770_2945207345728192512_n Frankly, we’re baffled, and still attempting to figure out exactly what happened. All that said – we wanted to make all players aware of the issue, as it obviously may present a bit of confusion. It does not affect gameplay in any way, it’s simply a very odd aesthetic difference in the 3rd Print of the game. Never ones to take ourselves too seriously, we’re investigating some fun ways to incorporate Deb into the larger TMB troll storyline just for fun. She has clearly demonstrated her need to be seen and heard and reckoned with, as trolls are known to do. While we know the best way to handle trolls is typically to ignore them, in this case, we’re simply going to make the best of it. Is she undead? She almost has to be to come storming back into Daelore two years after being erased from existence. We would love you all to rally around Deb and welcome her in her new role as the Troll Chieftess. The all-new Bones players will need to be informed of this (it will also be in our FAQ on the website). –  CTG Team

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