Great news, the containers have arrived! These containers contain boxes containing all your Triplock contents. Please attempt to contain your excitement. In addition, we’ve received word that the EU/World container has also arrived at it’s final destination!
We spent pretty much all of yesterday working to unload and get the warehouse in order. A huge thank you to John and Andrew our warehouse and components specialists, who did the bulk of the grunt work!
Now comes the fun part, getting the games into your hands. We are already starting to ship out packages today. We’ll be moving as fast as we possibly can, and are planning to get a ton of packages out in the next couple days. A few of you may even receive your packages by Christmas. We are hopeful that a large portion of US and Canadian backers have their packages by the end of the year.
We can’t make promises beyond trying our best and moving as fast as we can, but know we’re going to bust our tail to get as much product out the door as we can.
As for EU and World orders, we are awaiting word from GamesQuest on their estimated timeline. We know that GamesQuest is already working with a skeleton crew over the holidays, and will not be getting to shipping games until after the new year. We will let you know as soon as we have a clear estimate on their timeline, but again, due to the holidays, we know it will be after the 1st of the year.
We’re SO excited to deliver you all the goodies you’ve been waiting for. We trust you’ll find it’s been worth the wait.
Happy Holidays from all of us here at CTG!